Personal Information

 Associate Professor

Department of  Physics

Faculty of Sciences

Contact Information

Phone: 0556691821 Ext. 64219


Waleed Mahmoud Shirbeeny

 Associate Professor


Graduated 1985 From Faculty of Science Alexandria University
Master of Science, Nuclear Physics 1992
PhD in Laser and Spectroscopy in 2000
Joined Physics department as Prof. Assistant 2000
Currently working as ِAssociate Prof. Assistant in King Abdul Aziz University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics


  • 1992

    Master degree from PhysicsScience, Alexandria, الاسكندرية, مصــــــــر

  • 2000

    Doctorate degree from PhysicsFaculty of Science, Alexandria University, الاسكندرية, مصــــــــر


  • 1985-1990

    Demonistrator (lecturer), Faculty of Science Alexandria University, الاسكندرية, مصــــــــر

  • 1992-2000

    Lecturer, Faculty of Science Alexandria University, الاسكندرية, مصــــــــر

  • 2000-2004

    Prof. Assistant, Faculty of Science Alexandria University, الاسكندرية, مصــــــــر

  • 2004-2008

    Prof. Assistant, Faculty of Medicine King Abdul Aziz University, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2008-حاليا

    Associate professor , Faculty of Science King Abdul Aziz University, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

Research Interests

Optical and spectoscopic studies of polymers
Nonlinear Optics
Improvement studies of optical computer
Production of Negative refraction
Optical properties of thin film polymers
Transparent conducting thin films
Solar Cell.

Study of quantum dots applications in diode laser and LED applications.

Scientific interests

Optical Fibers
Laser Applications
Visual Basic Programming
computer interface circuits
Optical computer
Negative refraction
Optical Birefringence
Optical and electric properties of thin films


Physics Laoratories Safety and Precautions 200 PHYS
Computational Physics 393 PHYS
Fundamentals of physics 110 PHYS
General Physics for chemists 201 PHYS
ًشرث هىفثقبثقثىؤث شىي شححمهؤشفهخىس 612 PHYS
Modern Physics 2 342 ف

Areas of expertise

Nuclear Physics Nuclear transfer reactions
Associate professor King Abdulaziz University